Elisabeth Whispers


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  1. I read Palahniuk’s Fight Club, Choke, and Rant, and certainly found them worthwhile and thought-provoking. After Rant, it kind of seemed to me that he’s writing the same book over and over, and I haven’t been back … although some of that might be due to Rant depicting things that are unpleasant to read about (I actually had the urge to wash my hands after handling the book — strange, huh?). But I suppose any author whose work has a strong individual flavor or “signature” about it maybe seems repetitive, in a way.Are there any other active novelists whose work you follow? Have you read any of Haruki Murakami’s novels? I can definitely recommend The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, as well as <Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World.

    Comment by Jim — March 29, 2012 @ 6:01 pm

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