Elisabeth Whispers


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  1. Just tell them you are a therapist. If they ask what kind, casually answer something like: “I deal with private mental health issues and lots of behavioral conditioning.” If they persist, throw in something like, “I am bound by strict privacy codes and cannot devulge information, please understand”.Technically, you are a therapist. If you think about it, your clients come to see you to feel better about themselves. They open themselves up privately to you, which is exactly what people do in therapy. A therapist is bound by strict ethic codes prohibiting patient/client privacy laws that prohibit them from disclosing much the way your physician is not allowed to disclose any information about you.The real tricky sticky for me is what do I tell my accountant about my profession? I have a small business license and I maintain I am an artist.

    Comment by Sherry Hanson — December 18, 2011 @ 3:09 pm

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