Elisabeth Whispers


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  1. Being the rebel and Devil’s advocate that I am, I am going to take this opportunity to violate your blog rules by saying,…You are a phenomenal human being and I look forward with much anticipation to actually meating you in person some day, lol.On a more serious note. I do enjoy this blog as it is both entertaining and enlightening. If there is a particular subject that I would like you to expound upon, do you take requests?In the meantime, keep up the good work. Such titillating thoughts pass through my mind when I envision you wrapping your warm tender fingers softly around the shaft, of the pen, and let the pen make mad passionate love to the paper. Oh wait, you’re using a keyboard. Never mind, lol.Happy Valentine’s day, Beautiful.

    Comment by R.E.S. — February 13, 2012 @ 3:03 pm

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