P.S. Everyone thinks that they’re good in bed or at least orally superior!

It never fails to surprise me how many people will claim that they’re the best with this or that in the bedroom but particularly in regard to their oral skills. And this goes for men and women.

In the beginning of this journey, I was told this woman and that woman gave the best head this side of the Mississippi. Well, I called two of them and asked for lessons. Yes, they were good! Or so I was told by others. And they wonderfully offered to give me lessons.

Did it teach me a lot? Yes, it did. But I still wouldn’t consider them to be the best but in truth, pretty damn close! They just knew what to do. And they were also very professional about it, if that makes sense to you reading this.

Often, though, MEN will tell me to enjoy them pleasuring me because they’re one of the best out there.

Whenever I hear this or receive an e-mail telling me this, it makes me want to go out and buy one of those female chastity horrors and use it. Often, it’s these types that will gnaw on my clitoris and cause pain in one fashion or another.

But I have had civilian (a term that is used to denote that they’re not in the pay for play world) female friends tell me, when complaining that their husbands are complaining, that they KNOW how to give excellent head. And this is from women who have limited sexual experiences and don’t seem to be very open about their sexuality. In other words, we don’t discuss boinking and much less discuss pretty penises that could be works of art.

How in the world does a woman or a man like that think (when their experiences are limited), or can even compare, how good they are?

Well … my point is this: Everyone pretty much believes that they’re good in bed. I’m guilty of it as well.

I will throw it out there that probably escorts are a bit better in bed than others just due to being seasoned lovers, if nothing else. And there are people who are just naturally gifted with the innate ability to please a woman. I’ve seen that! ;)

But always be willing to listen to your partners suggestions when she (or he) gives you some guidance. They’re doing you a favor. They really are. Follow their suggestions and then do NOT go back to doing what you were doing a few minutes before!

If it didn’t work for them before, then it’s not going to work now.

And be willing to observe your partners reaction when doing what it is that you’re doing. If she is not responding by moving around, making noise or other signs of pleasure, try something different. Or just ask. If the person you ask just says, “Oh darling, everything is perfect”, and if he/she’s lying to you about it, they deserve what they are getting. Good or bad.

Just a few helpful hints from your neighborhood sporting lady!


4 Responses to “P.S. Everyone thinks that they’re good in bed or at least orally superior!”

  1. Nina Sastri Says:

    Hello Elisabeth!
    I was about to write something similar on my blog when i saw what you have written. So,
    I can`t thank you enough for this lovely and wonderfully written article! I have encountered similar views on “how everyone thinks he/she is the best of the best” and i found it particularly annoying. I strongly think that sensual experiences of whatever kind can`t be compared, much less put into categories of “best vs. worst”. I do find this to be childish and immature, if people do that. I also see that sometimes in escorts advertisement like “the best GFE ever” or ” the most intelligent escort” and i do find it very derogatory. I think everyone is a specialist at being one-self and true to what consists of your character and how you conduct yourself when with other people. Nothing of that can be compared or even put into hierarchies. Thanks Nina Sastri

  2. Elisabeth Says:


    Thanks for visiting my blog! What I have said in the past is that so much of what works between two people is chemistry. With the right chemistry, the importance of looks melts away and all of that superficial crap goes with it.

    It’s raw enjoyment and simple.

    Having list on escort sites that list “best and worst” just drives me crazy. It’s such BS and generally, it’s a crowing fest of people attempting to garner brownie points from others. Not always, though, I’m aware of that.

    So someone telling me that they’re the best just doesn’t make sense unless they know how to pay attention to an individual’s reactions. Then, you have been given a gift!

    Again, thanks for writing!


  3. Mr. Not good in bed Says:

    Honesty and the hobby.

    I was going to add this to your June 10th, 2011 entry “I’m not a liar…” but it is relevant to this post as well.

    On one of the escort boards that I am a member of, someone had started a thread entitled, “Top Ten Stock Phrases That Providers Use On Their Customers”. There were quite a variety of responses, however, the top three phrases were almost identical from every man posting.
    Those were:

    !. “You’re Big”
    2. “You’re Handsome/Cute etc.
    3. “You give good head.

    All of us have heard all three of these from all or most of the ladies. To hear you ladies talk, one would think the world is entirely populated with handsome, well-endowed men who are cunning linguists! As for myself, I have a bit of a gut, an average sized penis, was born with a facial defect, and don’t have a clue about how to give oral to a woman,so, when I hear these phrases, and I hear them incessantly, I just smile to myself, nod, and act flattered. Some of the compliments that have been paid to me were so over the top, it was almost insulting.

    You wrote in your blog that you paid a client a compliment and he stated something to the effect that you were bullshitting him. You have to see it from his eyes. It’s a classic “boy cries wolf” scenario. He’s probably heard so many things that he has gotten jaded to the point of not believing anything he now hears, even if it is true.

    Then you have guys, who will believe every thing they are told. At some point down the line, some kind lady informed them that they give great oral. So, when they tell you that they are great at oral, don’t be angry with them; they are simply regurgitating what was told to them.

  4. Nina Sastri Says:

    Hello Dear!

    I am retired and wanted to ask you if you could delete my comment above (and the one I write now) from the page. Many Many thanks :-) Nina

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