Instant gratification takes too long. — Carrie Fisher (1956-)

My First Meme

April 23rd, 2008 by Elisabeth

I was first told of “meme’s” by one of the nicest and intelligent escorts in Dallas, Caitie Mae. She invited me to give it a try several months ago and I still owe her one! (And I promise to do it!) It’s very clever and well written.In the interim, Chevalier invited me to give it a try as well!, so here I go with my six word description:With a Man … I Slowly Deliquesce O.K. so it’s not a general description of myself and has a slightly skewed focus, but there you go!I’m not a big reader of blogs but I will suggest one blog that is unique, witty, intelligent, well-written, fun and completely edgy. Just like her!thelaughingmistress.blogspot.comAlright Ava, you’ve been tagged!And here are the rules:1. Write your own six word memoir.2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post.4. Tag five more blogs with links.5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.Obviously, I didn’t follow all of the rules and you don’t have to either! Would love for you to play!Warm hugs,Elisabeth