It’s asking a great deal that things should appeal to your reason as well as your sense of the aesthetic. — W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)

Why I Declined An Appointment Today …

November 16th, 2011 by Elisabeth

I know that a lot of men realize that often, a woman will just say no to seeing them. I’m no exception to that rule but I try to avoid saying no because it’s just not good business.Today, I received a call from someone who sounded familiar. His name is Jay. I have been no called and no showed by a man named Jay before and so when I hear that name, I’m always wary.So, he called wishing to see me in 30 minutes and he had seen me before. He knew me, obviously, but I did the unthinkable and asked him if he had stood me up previously.He had the gall to tell me yes that he had. He had been called into work before and wasn’t able to call me to cancel. Wrong answer on a wrong day.So I told him that I was tired of getting ready for a client only to have him no show and that I wouldn’t be seeing him today. He fussed and begged and when I was just about to give in, he started to ask if I had fishnet hosiery.That. Was. It. By his own admission, he has stood me up at least once. And now, he wishes to make demands on my time.A friend of mine has always said that mutual respect was a turn on. This was a turn off.I told him that I would be unable to see him and if he really wished to see me again, that he could send me a nice e-mail and an apology. He kept “but …Elisabeth … but… but I’m sorry and well, today I’m serious a… please listen … and I want …”My final statement was that I wouldn’t see him today and I hung up on him because he wouldn’t stop talking.Does this sound mean? I’m probably just letting off a little steam writing this because this just happened. And also, there is just a slight bit more to the conversation but it’s not mean.What is RUDE is for a young man to call a woman and ask to see her in a short time frame and not have the understanding to be completely polite and kind about it after standing her up for an appointment previously. I do not keep notes. But I do know when someone doesn’t show and my memory does tend to store that information.And as a result, please note that if your name is really Jay and you call me for an appointment, before writing me an e-mail first, I’m probably not going to see you. For the past several months, I’ve had a run of men named “Jay” who tend to play games and act foolish.Right now, the name “Jay” is completely on my do – not – see list and that is rather remarkable since until this morning, I never had one.Urgh!